Cogent BGP Hijack

A report that all Cogent traffic got re-routed into Moscow. Looks
innocent but happened right after UA blocked RU websites (e.g.,
VKontakte, Yandex, etc)

Any thoughts ?


A report that all Cogent traffic got re-routed into Moscow. Looks
innocent but happened right after UA blocked RU websites (e.g.,
VKontakte, Yandex, etc)

Any thoughts ?

Similar happened like 3 weeks ago. Big collective yawn when I posted about it.

A report that all Cogent traffic got re-routed into Moscow. Looks
innocent but happened right after UA blocked RU websites (e.g.,
VKontakte, Yandex, etc)

a peering war between the martians and the venusians?

Looking at bgplay data, Hetzner possibly had some outages at the time?
Cogent isn't quick at withdrawing routes and will often blackhole inside
their network, but i can't see a large leak/hijack as happened.