Code Red -> Router Memory depletion?

We've seen two routers experiencing problems this AM that appear to be
related to client swervers infected with the IIS Code Red virus. I say
appear because of the timing with cpu profiles on downstream routers
where infections broke out, but I don't have any direct evidence.

The first one was a border router:

Jul 19 08:00:47 5093: 2w5d: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of
65540 bytes failed from 0x603BF35C, pool Processor, alignment 0
Jul 19 08:00:47 5094: -Process= "BGP Router", ipl= 0, pid= 86

# sh ver
uptime is 4 hours, 46 minutes
System returned to ROM by bus error at PC 0x603BFCFC, address 0xFFFFFFF0
at 05:57:21 UTC Thu Jul 19 2001

The other one is a client aggregation router

Jul 19 12:02:49 192: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 1964 bytes
failed from 0x314DA4A, pool Processor, alignment 0
Jul 19 12:02:49 193: -Process= "OSPF Router", ipl= 0, pid= 32

(This router is still functioning, but not allowing any incoming
connections on telnet).


On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 01:00:24PM -0600, Mike Lewinski exclaimed:

We've seen two routers experiencing problems this AM that appear to be
related to client swervers infected with the IIS Code Red virus. I say
appear because of the timing with cpu profiles on downstream routers
where infections broke out, but I don't have any direct evidence.

This may or may not be related to the problem you are experiencing, but I
figured it was worth mentioning for those that haven't gotten around to
skimming BUGTRAQ today.

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:37:37PM -0700, Scott Francis exclaimed:

This may or may not be related to the problem you are experiencing, but I
figured it was worth mentioning for those that haven't gotten around to
skimming BUGTRAQ today.

doh ... just read mike's cross-post on BUGTRAQ. never mind me then. I can
only cover lists in sequential order ... :slight_smile:

We saw nearly the same thing at about 1pm today. Definately "Code
Red" related. We're seeing over a thousand pps of "Code Red" scanning
traffic. Joy Joy

Almost a year ago I started graphing memory utilization on our core
routers. The resulting graphs were so boring to look at (flatlined) that
I forgot about them until today...

A sample 3640 running OSPF but no BGP:

The general trends on the above graph look pretty similar at our borders
also. Graphs that have been flatlined for the last 11 months are
suddenly getting interesting.



Anyone have the number to the NOC/NCC for Hostcentric?


-- amar

Telia Net