Code Red 2 cleanup; reporting..

   Yes, I think that your observation is obvious.. publishing lists of
infected hosts is a bad idea. My question was asking if there was an
unofficial mitigation process to notify the end-use and/or the providers
involved for clean-up efforts.

I'm not sure if this is what you are asking for, but SecurityFocus is
operating a Code Red notification service:

I'm not sure if this is what you are asking for, but SecurityFocus is
operating a Code Red notification service:


If you'd like to help us notify users they are infected please send
offending IP data to Please use the
following format:

They've stopped doing this, as it appears every possible Code Red infection has been reported at least twice.

... if they ain't fixed by now, chances are pretty good they won't be fixed until someone causes the box to emit rude noises, blink feverishly, and eventually burst into flame. -rt