Co-Lo and Connectivity options in Kuwait

Does anyone have any experience with Co-lo and connectivity in Kuwait. This would be my first time depolying in the middle east. Any advice, experiences anyone wishes to share is welcome.


Dylan Ebner

Good luck. }The Middle East is generally a horror. Prices are sky high.

Roderick S. Beck
Director of European Sales
Hibernia Atlantic
Budapest, New York, and Paris

I had a GSM connection to Wataniya. Awesome speeds locally, horrendous
speeds to other parts of the world. Downloads from Iran were the only
ones I remember being even relatively high speed.


Good luck. }The Middle East is generally a horror. Prices are sky high.

i was generally happy with my co-lo with etisalat in Dubai.

that would also provide connectivity to kuwait and other places in the region
as etisalat/emix seem to be pretty core to the connectivity in the middle

email me if you need help working yoru way throught their maze.
