"Close-knit group" responds to Verisign

In a Washington Post article, it was reported that a "close-knit group of
engineers" were angered by Verisign's SiteFinder service, claiming that
it caused "e-mail systems, spam blocking technology and other
applications to malfunction". Verisign responded that these claims are

In response, the close-knit group of engineers said,

                        _ WILDCARD THIS! _
                       >_| |_|
                       > > /^^^\ | |
                      _| |_ (| "o" |) _| |_
                    _| | | | _ (_---_) _ | | | |_
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                   > > / \ | |
                    \ / / /(. .)\ \ \ /
                      \ / / / | . | \ \ \ /
                        \ \/ / ||Y|| \ \/ /
                         \__/ || || \__/
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                                   >> >>
                                  ooO Ooo

Wonder if it's the close-knit group that did this:


Found the link on slashdot:


too funny
