CIX Filtering...

The original threat was November 1. Then it became November 15.
Then it became "soon". There was never a December deadline.

Then it became moot.

p.s. Gordon, you might check on what legitimate journalists
     wrote at the time. There's lots of opinionless fact filled
     stuff that would explain it all.

The original threat was November 1. Then it became November 15.
Then it became "soon". There was never a December deadline.

The decision to filter was taken by the CIX board at its meeting on July
14, 1994. the threat was to impose filters on november 1.

Then it became moot.


p.s. Gordon, you might check on what legitimate journalists
     wrote at the time. There's lots of opinionless fact filled
     stuff that would explain it all.

Don't know what your criteria for legitimacy is Ehud. Boardwatch in its
September 1994 issue (out mid August) published a 6,000 word article by
me. it published a second article two months later. This in addition to
my newsletter. Ellen mesmer of network world picked up my story from the
net on july 16 and published a story of her own in the July 25th
issue...all without crediting me as the source.

I have been quoted in the last 60 days in the New York Times, by Gilder in
telecosm, and by Network World in its "health of the net" series. My high
end subscription is $1,000 a year with eleven major corporations paying
that freight. Sorry if you have some kind of problem with me.