Cisco's connected->bgp redistribution

  Can anyone shed some light on why cisco ignores "ip classless" when
redistributing classless connected routes into bgp, making things such as
/30 into /24s?



  Make sure you don't have "auto-summary" turned on. Auto-summary
is always classful, and therefore nearly always evil.



  Make sure you don't have "auto-summary" turned on. Auto-summary
is always classful, and therefore nearly always evil.

We never do auto-summary


perhaps you have uncovered a bug or something then, as I have never seen a
cisco do that...

  Can anyone shed some light on why cisco ignores "ip classless" when

    > redistributing classless connected routes into bgp, making things such as
    > /30 into /24s?

Because you forgot to append the "subnets" keyword to your redist.


Subnets are not needed, chances are it is a failure of no auto-summary.
Autosummary is on by default.

router#show ip route x.y.106.122
Routing entry for x.y.106.120/30
  Known via "connected", distance 0, metric 0 (connected, via interface)
  Redistributing via bgp abcd
  Advertised by bgp abcd route-map connected-to-bgp
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
  * directly connected, via Serial2/0/0:0
      Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1

router#show int Serial2/0/0:0
Serial2/0/0:0 is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is Multichannel T1
  Description: by the perception of illusion we experience reality
  Internet address is x.y.106.122/30

router bgp abcd
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
bgp dampening
redistribute connected route-map connected-to-bgp
redistribute static route-map static-to-bgp

no auto-summary
ip classless

router#show ip bgp x.y.106.122
BGP routing table entry for x.y.106.120/30, version 11186014
Paths: (1 available, best #1)


If you have no auto-summary turned on, then there might be a bug or more
probably, some sort of typo or mismatch (pilot error).
