Cisco outage

In re: previous post

So much for self healing networks eh

Can someone please indirectly email Mr. Oquendo and advise him that we
would like to have a word with him? He seems to have blocked Google
and has made us unable to have a chat.

Hopefully, this won't bounce like our private message did. We'll be
forced to throw him off the list, sadly.

(Yes, the MLC is once again battling over the AUP)
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Martin Hannigan

Given that according to the link you provide, at some points, the *main* page
was working, but other pages on the same server were broken, that tends to
say "webserver screwup" rather than a networking issue. So the problem is
probably (one or more of) Windows/Linux/Unix/IBM/Dell/Sun/etc, none of which
are *network* kit by any reasonable stretch of the imagination.

Unless somewhere along the line, IOS grew an Apache module?

Cisco (Distributed|Local)Director is close to *network* kit. :wink:

-Jim P.

Can someone please indirectly email Mr. Oquendo and advise him that we
would like to have a word with him? He seems to have blocked Google
and has made us unable to have a chat.

google has made it into a number of dnsrbs lately.

(Yes, the MLC is once again battling over the AUP)

the mlc, or at least one segment of it, seems to enjoy that. major
vendor outages would not seem far astray to <hatless> me.
