Cisco Memory Types

does anyone have any sort of list of what types of memory all the various
cisco routers take - specifically high end? isnt very

I'm looking for something detailed enough to be able to buy some RAM and
confidently install it without it being wrong parity, voltage, whatever!



Stephen schrieb:

does anyone have any sort of list of what types of memory all the various
cisco routers take - specifically high end? isnt very

I'm looking for something detailed enough to be able to buy some RAM and
confidently install it without it being wrong parity, voltage, whatever! might be your choice,

-- Arnold

Stephen schrieb:

> Hi,
> does anyone have any sort of list of what types of memory all the


> cisco routers take - specifically high end? isnt very
> forthcoming.
> I'm looking for something detailed enough to be able to buy some RAM and
> confidently install it without it being wrong parity, voltage, whatever!
> might be your choice,

-- Arnold

Beware of what memory you install, if it is not on the "official" approved
memory list from Cisco, it will basically void any warranty/support contract
you have if Cisco finds out. Also Crucial and Kingston only list memory for
7500 and below, so if you are looking for memory for an ESR/GSR you'll
probably have to buy from Cisco. Ouch ;-(

Cisco will give you a list of approved memory, but you need to open a case
with TAC to find out. They don't post the info on the web.


Beware that the info on the Crucial website doesn't always reflect the
"best" ram you can get. I seem to remember that for the NPE400 they list
non parity ram which is not the same as the Cisco ECC ram that is
purchased via the official channels. If you know the exact specs for
each router and what ram it can support then you can just get OEM ECC
ram at a fraction of the Cisco cost.


Stephen schrieb:

> Hi,
> does anyone have any sort of list of what types of memory all the


> cisco routers take - specifically high end? isnt very
> forthcoming.
> I'm looking for something detailed enough to be able to buy some RAM


> confidently install it without it being wrong parity, voltage,


I'm looking for something detailed enough to be able to buy some RAM and
confidently install it without it being wrong parity, voltage, whatever! might be your choice,

i checked for 7206/npe200 and it tried to sell me non-partity ram.


Randy Bush wrote:

>> I'm looking for something detailed enough to be able to buy some RAM and
>> confidently install it without it being wrong parity, voltage, whatever!
> might be your choice,

i checked for 7206/npe200 and it tried to sell me non-partity ram.

Perhaps it's time to try

does anyone have any sort of list of what types of memory all the various
cisco routers take - specifically high end? isnt very

I'm looking for something detailed enough to be able to buy some RAM and
confidently install it without it being wrong parity, voltage, whatever!

Check out under "Cisco Memory".

Eric at Rocky Mountain Ram is very knowledgeable about Cisco's. Recently he
helped me determine that I needed one less kit than I was prepared to buy-
anyone who will sacrifice part of a sale that they know is uneeded clearly
has integrity. Their prices are reasonable and some of the memory they sold
us has been in production for years now. The one time we had a problem they
immediately exchanged it with no hassles.

Note that they do list ESR/GSR on the page above.


We have found Kingston to be quite expensive and not very useful
describing exactly what the module is, but has extensive cisco listings.

Crucial (which *IS* Micron itself's retail group) is spotty in cisco
product coverage in their cross reference listing. They list many even
obscure cisco items but when clicked you may get a "sorry we don't have
that one" message - perhaps they are seeing how much interest there is.

SimpleTech is pretty good. BUT, if using SimpleTech, do check each and
every one of their resellers as the price is often 2:1 or even *OVER*
3:1 between dealers. Luckily they list the dealers own catalog # and you
just click each for P&A.

You can tank up your NPE-300 to 256meg for under $80 with SimpleTech
for example at the lowest price dealer ($37.99 per 128 meg DIMM) - and
that still seems HIGH with most 256 running well below $40.

They claim that NPE-300 memory is PC100 ECC, and that VIP 4-80 is PC100
REGISTERED ECC. No wonder what we initially tried from random PC stock

So trying Crucial:

you find that each 128 meg direct from them is $20.69 and shipping is
FREE. But they list it as SDRAM PC133 ECC CL=3. For pennies more in
their generic memory listings, you can find the same but with CL=2. I
wonder if cisco would take advantage of that automatically?

The other interesting substitution is for all the newer processors that
can boot from FLASHDISK (disk0:, disk1:) as opposed to only the old
"Linear FLASH" (slot0: slot1: that you had to reformat or delete and
squeeze to make space), one should be using the disk flavor as they are
very user friendly. Just don't buy from cisco.

The ones cisco ships are vanilla SanDisk PCMCIA cards and are readily
available in many other and larger sizes than cisco sells. Due to the
popularity of various camera formats, the compact flash units are far
less $s than the PCMCIA format but if you add the $9-14 PCMCIA to
Compact Flash adapter, your cisco will take compact flash - and you can
buy it all in any city at even crazy hours in an emergency.

Not sure how long compact flash cards will last in open COLO with camera
users wandering around, but that is another issue.

There was a time when the smart thing to do for 25xx routers was to
compress the images (.Z or -mz style) to let existing 4 meg flash SIMMs
still work with slightly over 4 meg images AND to force running from
DRAM so flash would remain (read/write) so uploads could be done running
normally without FLH. Now the images needed for new features have bulged
to where you must be running with 8 meg flash SIMMs and preferably 2 of
them. If your pet image fits in 8 meg, even though its SIMM is
(read-only) the other SIMM will remain (read/write) - again no FLH
needed for upgrades. Partition flash 1 8 with 2 4 meg SIMMs sucks
because you are back with FLH.

Does anyone have a consistent source for 80 pin 8 meg flash SIMMs AT
REALLY GOOD PRICES, and preferably with Intel chips as there are still a
LOT of 2500s out there with OLD boot PLCC chips that don't recognize AMD
flash. The Sharp chips are OK as they ID as and behave like Intel ones.
I keep finding 8 meg at around $60, but not where you can go next time
and expect to find more.

And for that one they also list the router as maxing at 128 meg with 4
slots and then only offer 16 meg SIMMs, not 32 meg ones. Clearly wrong.
Click on 4700M and you will get the right 32 meg Parity SIMMs or go to
the generic listing.

Crucial has a part number that is unique for each application so they
can track usage and simply upgrade / optimize depending on what they
have in stock in quantity that also qualifies. They don't ship SIMMs
stickered with the application specific ordering number. They simply
ship with their generic part number / description labels, and they
freely will tell you on the phone what that will be, but I wish there
were some online button to get that translation.

If you order from their generic memory list you need to first find it.
On their home page find the Resellers button under Solutions for... and
then click the Select memory component type button rather than Choose

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I heard that Smart Modular is listed as one of the approved vendors
that's used in shipping Cisco products. That's my 2 cents.


Dennis J. Hartmann
White Pine Consulting
Global Knowledge-MPLS Course Director
AOL IM: dennisjhartmann