Cisco interface - GB of transfer software

Good morning all,

I hope my post isn't too off topic but I was wondering if anyone is using some open source or purchased software that would give me the monthly Data transfer from cisco switch ports so I can monitor/bill against some hosting customers. I know we can create our own but looking to see if there was something that anyone is using and recommends.

Thank you very much

Dale Turner

I would be interested in this as well.

I like to use ntop (from for this, along with MRTG. Others prefer cacti. I found MRTG easier to setup. It comes down to personal preference.

Blake Pfankuch wrote:

I like to use ntop (from for this, along with MRTG. Others prefer cacti. I found MRTG easier to setup. It comes down to personal preference.

MRTG provides graphs of usage, but I'm not aware of it providing a monthly total usage (or 95% or other) in report form (though would be happy to learn otherwise).

Does ntop provide a way to generate a monthly report?

I believe the others posting are interested in this from a billing perspective. I share their interest.


I like to use ntop (from for this, along with MRTG. Others prefer cacti. I found MRTG easier to setup. It comes down to personal preference.

MRTG provides graphs of usage, but I'm not aware of it providing a monthly total usage (or 95% or other) in report form (though would be happy to learn otherwise).

Does ntop provide a way to generate a monthly report?

Check RTG.


Daniel Senie wrote:

MRTG provides graphs of usage, but I'm not aware of it providing a monthly total usage (or 95% or other) in report form (though would be happy to learn otherwise).

Does ntop provide a way to generate a monthly report?

I believe the others posting are interested in this from a billing perspective. I share their interest.

Cacti and MRTG both have support for rrdtool backends. How the rrd is processed is up to you. A simple script to poll data and do some basic math and email the results, or generate a graph. Cacti has several plugins for sending reports. MRTG users tend to just script additionals. It's not as gui oriented as cacti, IMO.

Each has pros and cons. If you have a sound internal php/mysql setup, cacti is a breeze and the plugin php scripts are cute for the non-techies.


I have had good success with Netflow data to solve this, and if you
don't mind spending a little money, Scrutinizer is a good tool to use.


Dale Turner wrote:

I hope my post isn't too off topic but I was wondering if anyone is
using some open source or purchased software that would give me the
monthly Data transfer from cisco switch ports so I can monitor/bill
against some hosting customers.


I use MRTG with the script. It does a pretty decent job:

  Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos

If you're already running MRTG (or set it up), it's easy to add on to
your environment.


Same here. I bill my customers on 95% percentile. I use Advent's
Manageengine Netflow Analyzer

MRTG + GBGraph + allows for MB/GB/port/vlan and also 95th percentile on same.

It doesn't take much to build a small report that picks up on the files left behind by and GBGraph.


Paul Kelly
Technical Director
Blacknight Internet Solutions ltd
Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated servers
IP Transit Services
Tel: +353 (0) 59 9183072
Lo-call: 1850 929 929
DDI: +353 (0) 59 9183091


Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd,
Unit 12A,Barrowside Business Park,
Sleaty Road,

Company No.: 370845

RTG is a great solution for 95th percentile if you are building your own
system since it puts everything into an SQL database and comes with a
nice php front end to start with.

John van Oppen
Spectrum Networks LLC
206.973.8302 (Direct)
206.973.8300 (main office)

Thank you all for the recommendations.


Dale Turner

Dale Turner wrote:

Built specifically for byte accounting for billing purposes and can poll a number of devices. Built for billing and free
(though not maintained it 'just works').


Brent Paddon

Director | Over the Wire Pty Ltd |
Phone: 07 3847 9292 | Fax: 07 3847 9696 | Mobile: 0400 2400 54 | Direct: 07 3503 4807

Dale Turner wrote: