Cisco HFR

Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 09:23:14 -0700
From: "Michel Py" <>

> Eric Kuhnke
> Here it is, complete with OC-768 interface:
> Service Provider Network and Technology Services - Cisco

It's a BFR allright. I wonder how much OC-768 linecards will go for; if
it's consistent with 2OC192/POS-IR-SC some will be over a million list a
pop. And you thought 12816 gear was pricey?

No. The BFR was the development name for Tony Li's last Cisco project
and morphed into the GSR. The processor card in at least early GSRs had
a BFR sticker on them.

This box is the HFR which, according to the San Jose Mercury, is short
for "Huge Fast Router". (Some reporter at the Merc probably still
believes in the tooth fairy.)

As with many things, if you have to ask how much it costs before
deciding to order it, you can't afford it.

No. The BFR was the development name for Tony Li's last Cisco project
and morphed into the GSR. The processor card in at least early GSRs had
a BFR sticker on them.

Nitpick: It is not a sticker, but printed on the PCB of the GRP.

Mans Nilsson wrote:

Nitpick: It is not a sticker, but printed on the PCB of the GRP.

Quite like the head of a rhino on the LS1010 systemboard and some other cards too.
I also took a picture of a BFR (mug): Petri Helenius Cisco stuff


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I have been making a collection of interesting logos from vendor equipment - hey, its better than train-spotting!

I have put some of the GSR ones up on a a temporary site (my server is moving this week, FedEx seems to have lost it though):

Here are some of my other favorites:
The happy Buddha from the 3550-48

The (out of focus) Martini from the M40

Please send me any interesting ones and I'll add them to the collection (when my box gets here).

No. The BFR was the development name for Tony Li's last Cisco project
and morphed into the GSR. The processor card in at least early GSRs had
a BFR sticker on them.

Pardon, but I need to set the record straight here... It was not by
any stretch of the imagination 'my' project. There were dozens of folks
that had far more involvement than I did. All I did was to help with
getting things jump started.
