Circuit Bandwidth Simulator applet etc

I would like a applet or program I can feed it nodes and a network
topology, then just set hypothetical transmit speeds at child nodes
then have the applet or program display the Parent node bandwidth. Is
there any Visio applets or macros out there I wonder?

Sorry another tool question but I don't want to start coding something
up if I don't have to.
I use NetDot but I don't think it has any circuit bandwidth tools like
that. I have used GNS3 in the past but that is way more complex for
this need I have.

Try (AKA NS2/NS3) whichis GPL/OSS or Tetcos
NetSim -

I've never used NetSim FYI, just heard of it. And NS only rarely.

We use IXChariot for traffic simulation. It's pretty nice, albeit


I would like a applet or program I can feed it nodes and a network
topology, then just set hypothetical transmit speeds at child nodes
then have the applet or program display the Parent node bandwidth. Is
there any Visio applets or macros out there I wonder?

Written in Java and quite usable. Topology and traffic matrix are stored/read in XML so it's easy to generate your own with scripts.

TOTEM looks like it might fit my needs but the download link appears offline.

The others I am looking at also.