Yakov writes:

The most serious problem we're facing is NOT how to route to the existing
allocations, but how we're going to route to all the new allocations that are
due to the exponential growth of the Internet.

From this and an earlier mail (somewhere you said we should "deploy CIDR")

I sense some kind of fundamental problem in this discussion.

From -my- point of view CIDR -is- deployed:

  - we've been allocating from provider blocks for probably two
    years now, and the number of prefixes announced has been
    growing -very- slowly (with respect to -new- allocation
    of addresses), even with customers not returning their addresses
    when they leave us. Do you have -any- hard data that anything
    else is happening at a global scale?

  - there is naturally a tendency for the provider address space
    to fragment over time, however do we have -any- data that this
    is causing any of the problems we are seeing (it surely isn't
          creating a large increase in prefixes -now-)?

  - nearly -all- of the prefixes we announce are pre-CIDR allocations
          (B and quite a large number of C's (that we are trying to clean
          up)), I don't believe this to be different with any other ISP.

Yakov, if you have data that CIDR is -not- working for new allocations
please present it here.


Yakov, if you have data that CIDR is -not- working for new allocations
   please present it here.


From the last CIDRD meeting (Erik-Jan Bos's slides), we have strong

data which indicates that the routing table sizes are again growing at
the double-every-nine-months rate. Thus the obvious concern. The
exact source of this growth has not been determined quantitatively.


At the last CIDR meeting did we not have a volunteer to go out and
actually run some prediction tools to see where were going, and why?

I realize you guys are doing the best you can merely to keep up with
the day's troubles, but I'd really like to see some more data on