CIDR cleanup

Sorry if this is slightly off-topic, but I am writing some code for a custom GeoDNS routemap. My starting data set is a raw list of /24 subnets, no prefix aggregation has been done. In other words, its the entire BGP routing table in /24 prefixes - tagged by Geo region. Each region is its own txt file with a dump of /24’s. As a result, these lists are HUGE. I want to aggregate the prefixes as much as possible to create a smaller routemap.

So right now it looks like:

... brs brs brs brs brs brs brs brs brs brs brs brs brs

and so on. Obviously, thru can be aggregated to and so on. I normally use Perl, does anyone now if there is a perl module that will automatically do this prefix aggregation? I tried to write my code to do this, and its not trivial, just lookinh for a shortcurt. I did a breif glance at some CIDR related Perl cpan modules, and nothing has jumped out.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use NetAddr::IP qw(Compact);

my @ips = ( ‘’, ‘’, ‘’ );

my @agged = aggregate(@ips);

sub aggregate {
my @naddr = map { NetAddr::IP->new($) } @{$[0]};
my @output = Compact(@naddr);
return @output;

The Perl Net::Netmask module is also worth checking out. It may not be better at aggregation but it does have other functions that could be helpful. I use the shortest match address lookup functions of Net::Netmask very heavily and have reproduced them in a R / C++ package.



Check (thank you, Job)

Marco Marzetti (PCCW) wrote an even faster compression tool!

Both these python implementations are meant as replacements for ISC's
vintage 'aggregate' Unix utility, with the notable difference that they
also support IPv6.


    job@bench ~$ pip3 install aggregate-prefix

    job@bench ~$ wc -l dfz_ipv4
    job@bench ~$ cat dfz_ipv4 | time aggregate-prefixes - | wc -l
    1m40.17s real 1m37.39s user 0m01.60s system

Compressing the whole IPv4 DFZ prefix list takes only 100 seconds.

Kind regards,


Marco Marzetti (PCCW) wrote an even faster compression tool!
GitHub - lamehost/aggregate-prefixes: Fast IPv4 and IPv6 prefix aggregator written in Python.

Both these python implementations are meant as replacements for ISC's
vintage 'aggregate' Unix utility, with the notable difference that they
also support IPv6.

ok, i gotta ask. has someone tested to see if they all produce the same
result givem the same input? i do not mean to imply they do not. i
just have to wonder.


Yes, of course. Marco and I collaborated on the tool's regression

  job@bench $ aggregate6 < dfz_ipv4 | md5
  job@bench $ aggregate-prefixes < dfz_ipv4 | md5

  job@bench $ aggregate6 < dfz_ipv6 | md5
  job@bench $ aggregate-prefixes < dfz_ipv6 | md5

Kind regards,


ok, i gotta ask. has someone tested to see if they all produce the
same result givem the same input? i do not mean to imply they do
not. i just have to wonder.

Yes, of course. Marco and I collaborated on the tool's regression

  job@bench $ aggregate6 < dfz_ipv4 | md5
  job@bench $ aggregate-prefixes < dfz_ipv4 | md5

  job@bench $ aggregate6 < dfz_ipv6 | md5
  job@bench $ aggregate-prefixes < dfz_ipv6 | md5

great. thanks. glad to see folk thinking this way.


Marco Marzetti (PCCW) wrote an even faster compression tool!
     GitHub - lamehost/aggregate-prefixes: Fast IPv4 and IPv6 prefix aggregator written in Python.
Both these python implementations are meant as replacements for ISC's
vintage 'aggregate' Unix utility, with the notable difference that they
also support IPv6.


     job@bench ~$ pip3 install aggregate-prefix

     job@bench ~$ wc -l dfz_ipv4
     job@bench ~$ cat dfz_ipv4 | time aggregate-prefixes - | wc -l
     1m40.17s real 1m37.39s user 0m01.60s system

Compressing the whole IPv4 DFZ prefix list takes only 100 seconds.

First time I uploaded/publish something to/on Github ... so please be kind:

  GitHub - FvDxxx/pfxaggr: Yet another aggregate tool

In case you need it even faster (and can accept the little known issues and that it's old, ugly and never reviewed):

> wc -l dfz-pfx-20201002-A-v4.txt
813542 dfz-pfx-20201002-A-v4.txt

> time cat dfz-pfx-20201002-A-v4.txt | ./pfxagg -a1 > dfz-4-agg-pfx.log

real 0m1.034s
user 0m0.909s
sys 0m0.232s

> time cat dfz-pfx-20201002-A-v4.txt | aggregate-prefixes > dfz-4-agg-pyth.log

real 1m11.691s
user 1m10.879s
sys 0m0.786s

> diff dfz-4-agg-pyth.log dfz-4-agg-pfx.log
> wc -l dfz-4-agg-pyth.log dfz-4-agg-pfx.log
  141754 dfz-4-agg-pyth.log
  141754 dfz-4-agg-pfx.log
  283508 total

Cheers, Markus