CIDR blocks, by country

I am aware of sites that list all the netblocks associated with China
(for example) .. is there any place that publishes an updated list of
what netblocks are used by what countries? (all of them) .. CIDR format
would be ideal.

If it matters, I'm specifically interested APNIC and AFRNIC.


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State Unviersity

Since went away, the only other one I have found
semi-reliable is Country IP Blocks at

Maxmind or Quova offer a commercial database if that’s what you need. Maxmind also do a less frequently updated free version. publishes files that can be used in some form of an RBL that covers most of this as well. I use this for a geolocated DNS system and it works well. I have actually manually referenced this to find where a specific block is from.

For the whole APNIC:

carries raw data files updated daily for all allocations in a
delimited file format. you may have to do some sorting, what i do is
put it in a mysql database and do selects per country of interest.


Once upon a time, Blake Pfankuch <> said: publishes files that can be used in some form of an RBL that covers most of this as well. I use this for a geolocated DNS system and it works well. I have actually manually referenced this to find where a specific block is from.

I found that list to be out-of-date and slow to change (when errors were
pointed out).

I ended up taking the Maxmind free database and writing a perl DNS
server to feed it. The free database is updated once a month and that
is good enough for my uses.

Hi Michael,

.-- My secret spy satellite informs me that at 12/05/10 9:09 AM Michael Holstein wrote:

I am aware of sites that list all the netblocks associated with China
(for example) .. is there any place that publishes an updated list of
what netblocks are used by what countries? (all of them) .. CIDR format
would be ideal.


This list is generated once a day. It should contain all prefixes in the BGP table of which it was able to determine the country.
The list contains both IPv4 as well as IPv6 prefixes.

If it matters, I'm specifically interested APNIC and AFRNIC.

I can supply similar lists based on country or continents if there's enough interest.


I've found that publishes an extensive and frequently-updated
list of netblocks associated with about 225 countries.

Also, see:

for blocks for those two countries. I've not tried to make an assessment
of which of these two resources is more accurate WRT cn and kr, but they
do exhibit minor differences from time to time.
