China Telecom filtering nameservers

Our main nameservers are being filtered from networks managed by

  CHINANET, Data Communications Division,
  China Telecom

All traffic from our nameservers (ICMP, DNS queries, etc) is being
dropped. As a result, many websites and mail servers with DNS hosted on
networks which connect via China Telecom are inaccessible to users from
our network. Only the IP addresses of our main nameservers are

I have contacted China Telecom at

about this problem, but have received no response.

Does anyone know of any good contacts at China Telecom, or know if
there's some explanation for this?

Our main nameservers are being filtered from networks managed by

  CHINANET, Data Communications Division,
  China Telecom

All traffic from our nameservers (ICMP, DNS queries, etc) is being
dropped. As a result, many websites and mail servers with DNS hosted on

This has been seen elsewhere too and contacting someone at chinanet
has been difficult. Your DNS may be filtered if it supports recursive
lookups from chinanet. Forgetting for a moment the potential problems
with doing that, its been suggested that chinanet is filtering DNS as a
means to prevent their users from pointing at your DNS to get to sites
that they may deem inappropriate (censorship).

Does anyone know of any good contacts at China Telecom, or know if
there's some explanation for this?

This is a problem. If you have someone on staff that can speak
Chinese, that might be useful. I haven't heard of email to the public
addresses resulting in any meaningful response. I can't point to a
specific contact at the moment, but I have been peripherally involved in
this problem and if something definitively useful comes out of it I can
follow up with you in private email.


I actually found two helpful individuals via posting to this list.
They both spoke english, and helped me out in finding out what was going

China telecom has some US POPs, so they do have people in the US even.

Care to share what was going on? Was it really censorship or something more
mundane and less offensive?


I'm not sure what exactly you took offense too, but if I offended
someone, particularly our international neighbors I apologize. In
my experience there has been a language barrier problem, which has
hindered even the initial dialog via email or telephone. My intention
was to convey that the issue is a known problem, what I thought might
be going on and that I didn't yet have a good solution.


If I'm not mistaken, I think I even saw an office the other day on Herndon

Best Regards,
Andy Walden

Gut instinct says that One Wilshire is their primary US PoP/peering/transit point:

actually no. Joe can probably tell you more but they are peering at both Equinix-Los Angeles & PAIX-Palo Alto in California in addition to the carrier hotel on One Wilshire. -ren

It was actually about 100Mbps of DOS...
Joe took care of it :slight_smile:

Yes... I just wanted to know which one this was.
