Chile Status?

Given the huge (7.9 - 8.3) Earthquake last night, does anyone have any
information about the status of the Internet in Chile, and in particular
about the status of the undersea fiber links that go down off the West
coast of South America to Chile?

Given that this was an offshore Earthquake, and its magnitude, I would
expect those fiber links to be at risk to undersea landslides.

Marshall Eubanks

anyone tried ripe atlas to see effect :slight_smile:


Maybe on the NAP site for Chile, but I can't find enough information about
network status.

If someone wants ripe ATLAS credits please send me a request off-list with your e-mail address registered for RIPE Atlas.

- jared


Our internal monitoring tools show that there was a momentary drop in traffic (~30 minutes) coinciding with the earthquake, but traffic quickly returned to normal, and is at normal levels today.
We are serving Chile from Miami.

Best Regards,

anyone tried ripe atlas to see effect :slight_smile:

The RIPE atlas

shows green dots, but if you mouseover you see that the last connects are
all old (pre-Earthquake).



Our internal monitoring tools show that there was a momentary drop in
traffic (~30 minutes) coinciding with the earthquake, but traffic quickly
returned to normal, and is at normal levels today.
We are serving Chile from Miami.

Excellent, thank you.

I am sure there will be many local outages in affected areas, but that
presumably means the country itself is still on the net.


a message of 11 lines which said:

If someone wants ripe ATLAS credits please send me a request
off-list with your e-mail address registered for RIPE Atlas.

Even without credits, and an anonymous access, you can see that
several probes are reachable in Chile:

True, some are yellow (disconnected) but click on the yellow dot and
check the date: they were down even before the earthquake.

So, first conclusion: there is apparently no widespread Internet

I've not looked at RIPE Atlas data, but we do have a near-realtime
monitor on BGP data in RIPEstat, where we map resources to a country:

That didn't show anything, so if folks got affected they seem not to
have massive drops in number of prefixes visible, and no ASes that
completely got disconnected.


a message of 34 lines which said:

shows green dots, but if you mouseover you see that the last
connects are all old (pre-Earthquake).

You're right, I forgot to check that but the 17 RIPE Atlas probes
connected in Chile all answer and can ping NANOG Web site:

% python -v -r 500 --country CL
{'definitions': [{'description': 'Ping from CL', 'af': 4, 'packets': 3, 'type': 'ping', 'is_oneoff': True, 'target': ''}], 'probes': [{'requested': 500, 'type': 'country', 'value': 'CL'}]}
Measurement #2427363 to uses 17 probes
17 probes reported
Test done at 2015-09-17T14:27:10Z
Tests: 51 successful tests (100.0 %), 0 errors (0.0 %), 0 timeouts (0.0 %), average RTT: 182 ms

That's right. We didn't have any noticeable outage in Santiago,
either local or international, and monitors for .CL gave no
interruption for major cities.


     The academic network was fully operational during and after the strong earthquake, including to the observatories (ESO, ALMA, AURA, LSST, CTIO, SLOOH).
