Check this out T-Mobile Launches GoSmart Prepaid Service Nationally on Phone Scoop

Check this out:

This email was sent via Phone Scoop ( The sender thought you might be interested in the page linked above.

haha i love the header:

Received: (from nobody@localhost)

An email from nobody? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!?


Merlin is back; especially for Jay...:slight_smile:

All in favor of phonescoop being blacklisted from nanog? Anyone?
Anyone? Buehler?

If only there were some kind of method for Jay to publish which
addresses are actually authorized to send mail on behalf of (which could then be leveraged by to turn
the recommended soft fail into a hard fail and stop this kind of
silliness cold)...

Billet:~ rs$ dig +short txt
Billet:~ rs$ dig +short spf
Billet:~ rs$


George Herbert <> writes:

If only there were some kind of method for Jay to publish which
addresses are actually authorized to send mail on behalf of [snip]

SPF is snake-oil. Here's something that works (salt to taste for
the MTA of your choice): ERROR:5.7.1:"550 Mail refused, known forgery source"


Because putting things into a file on your server, instead of some distributed mechanism we could refer to, makes that much more sense. Did you guys see this /etc/hosts thing? It's awesome! I DON'T EVEN HAVE TO RUN A DNS SERVER!!



From: "JP Viljoen" <>

[ Rich K wrote: ]