charter peering

A lot of discussion lately has been about peering and also the @Home
network. Since my first post on the topic, I've received a few emails about
private peering, and requests for public peering if we were to locate
ourselves at a site to support it. I've been working with a few of the
southeastern and central region folks on examining their network, and
determining just where exactly we have connectivity. I would be interested
in hearing from those of you with connectivity in Charlotte, Atlanta, St.
Louis, and Chicago. Please keep in mind; this is simply a request to see
who is interested in peering, if we were to, in one of those locations. Not
an actual request to peer. This will assist me in determining the
ramifications of options that exist. To keep traffic off the list, you can
reply directly to me.


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Personal advice: Stay as far away from Charter as you can

“Turpin, Mark” wrote:

My apologies for the HTML garbage... I hit reply and my mailer sent
back HTML since the original was in HTML.

Roy Engehausen