Changes to the Nanog Mailing List Administration Team

Good Afternoon,

It is my pleasure to announce that Robert Seastrom will be joining the Nanog
Mailing List Administration Team. He joins us as Martin Hannigan departs
the list team.

A bit about Robert,

   Robert Seastrom is a freelance consultant specializing in supporting
   production and testbed IP networks. He was a cofounder and former
   president of the Cambridge Bandwidth Consortium, a cooperative ISP in
   Cambridge, Massachusetts. Previously, Robert was the Director of
   Network Architecture at Inter.Net Global Ltd. Robert has also held
   positions at Akamai Technologies, AboveNet Communications, and Digex,
   and built pioneering ISPs in Japan and the Republic of Georgia.

With the departure of Martin from the team, the position of chair has been
vacated. I have been selected to assume the chair of the list
administration team.

As always we appreciate feedback to


Chris Malayter
TDS Telecom - Network Services
Data Network Engineering
Phone: (608) 664-4878
FAX: (608) 664-4644

Robert is also a member of the ARIN Advisory Council.
