CGN fixed/hashed nat question

Let me start out by saying I'm allergic to CGN, but I got to ask the

Some of the CGN providers are coming out with "fixed" nat solutions for
their IPv6 transition/IPv4 preservation technologies to reduce logging.
This appears to provide for a static mapping of outside ports/IPs to a
particular customer such that the service provider doesn't need to log
literally every session through the box.

At the last nanog, I seem to remember someone stepping up and discussing
the problems associated with just taking ports 1025 through 1025+X and
giving it to some customer and had brought up the idea of using a hash or
salt to map what would appear to be random ports to a customer in such a
way that you could reverse the port back to the customer later if need be.
For the life of me, I can't find anything on the internets about this

I had it in my head it was a lightning talk or something, but reviewing the
agenda doesn't ring any bells. Anyone know what I'm talking about and what
it's called?




That's it. Or more specifically, the section of that draft that points to



I am also not a fan of CGN or NAT, but I co-chair the IETF's BEHAVE
working group that works on NAT.

draft-donley-behave-deterministic-cgn provides that functionality in
an attempt to help randomize ports (see RFC6056). However, because
the ports are fixed and there are relatively few ports, an attacker
can determine the ports by causing the victim to open a bunch
of TCP connections. This can be done by a bunch of "img src" tags
in an HTML-encoded email message, among other mechanisms. If the
hashing causes no logging, it creates a new requirement for a strong
audit trail of the CGN configuration.

The hashing provided by draft-donley-behave-deterministic-cgn is
not necessary to avoid "logging every session". Rather, the reduction
occurs by generating 1 logging event when creating NNNN mapped
ports. If using the CGN configuration, then no logging event needs
to be generated.

To date, the BEHAVE working group has not standardized any of
the proposed hashing techniques because several require coordination
between the devices (such as CPE and CGN), or between the log
generator and log consumer, or are functions self-contained within
a device and don't require standards action.


Behavioral/statistical telemetry is very important for security, traffic engineering/capacity planning, and troubleshooting purposes. The overwhelming need for it is orthogonal to any schemes for hashing NAT source/dest ports.

What's needed in this regard for CGNs (for any NATs/proxies, really) is something analogous to Cisco's NSEL for ASA, hopefully implemented as IPFIX EEs.

There are several conflicting requirements, including:

- requirement to run a business which makes money
- constraints on IPv4 addresses which mandate NAT
- law enforcement requirements, mandating either logging / port tracking
- network telemetry

law enforcement requirements aren't generally an issue until you get hit up
by a LEA / court order, at which point they become critical to ensuring
that your management doesn't end up displaying contempt of court. For some
reason, management can get quite excited about this - more so than any
enthusiasm they might ever show for good quality network telemetry.


I thought this was desirable behavior for a CGN since effective port
prediction facilitates p2p nat traversal?

Bear in mind that Windows XP uses a dynamic port range between 1024
and 5000 and allocates them linearly. Small range and trivially
predictable. Were it practical to use this knowledge for much more
than denial of service I tend to think we'd have noticed by now.

Bill Herrin

Le 2013-01-23 14:22, William Herrin a �crit :

I thought this was desirable behavior for a CGN since effective port
prediction facilitates p2p nat traversal?

No. NAT traversal using port prediction is a Worst Current Practice.



There are several conflicting requirements, including:

- requirement to run a business which makes money
- constraints on IPv4 addresses which mandate NAT
- law enforcement requirements, mandating either logging / port tracking
- network telemetry

law enforcement requirements aren't generally an issue until you get hit up
by a LEA / court order, at which point they become critical to ensuring
that your management doesn't end up displaying contempt of court. For some
reason, management can get quite excited about this - more so than any
enthusiasm they might ever show for good quality network telemetry.

I am so glad that Dutch law enforcement officially confirmed that logging is not allowed by law because of privacy impact, and that port tracking is not required.

Yes: they see that this will cause problems. But "it's the law" (at least, the current law).

- Sander

I am so glad that Dutch law enforcement officially confirmed that
logging is not allowed by law because of privacy impact, and that
port tracking is not required.

wow! is there enough of what they are drinking to be shared widely?


This probably would be covered in Europe by the EU Data Retention Directive.

The European Court of Justice - whose judgements are binding on EU member
states - has been requested by both the austrian supreme court and the
irish high court for its opinion on the directive. This judgement will
probably form the basis of EU-wide law in the area and could cause the
directive to be overturned, whether wholly or in part. Separate to this,
the german constitutional court and the romanian supreme court have ruled
to one degree or other that the data retention directive is incompatible
with human rights.


In other words, it works well enough that CGN's predicted total
destruction of p2p may be just slightly overblown.

In fact, were someone to use those "worst current practices" to build
some generic p2p VPN software, even old games could leverage it to
allow someone behind a CGN to host.

Bill Herrin

Le 2013-01-23 16:37, William Herrin a �crit :

NAT traversal using port prediction is a Worst Current Practice.

In fact, were someone to use those "worst current practices" to build
some generic p2p VPN software, even old games could leverage it to
allow someone behind a CGN to host.

Have a look at this:

These are the IETF's requirements for CGNs. The intent is to provide guidelines to vendors so that their CGNs can be as harmless as possible.

A CGN that obeys these requirements will allow NAT traversal by virtue of having an Endpoint-Independent Mapping behaviour. That is the BCP. Not port prediction.


Question abbout CGN:

Generally speaking for CGN setups, how many end users are NATed to a
single public IP address ?

In terms of traceability, there is a huge difference between loading
200k end users onto 1 public IP and putting say 5 end users per public IP.

In the later case, it becomes possible to assign a good range of ports
to each of the 5 users on that IP address. In the former case, it isn't.

An ISP who nats 5 customers to each public IP address reduces fivefold
the need for pulic IP addresses, which is still a major accomplishement.

Even better. So, architecturally P2P compatibility with CGNs is a
solved problem waiting only for the software to shake out. Expect some
growing pains in the first generation CGNs which largely vanish in the

Bill Herrin

If you'll entertain a guess, it'll shake out around 64:1.

If I were designing it (I'm not) it might look something like this:

A CIDR block of customer private IPs will map to a particular CGN box.
(e.g., 16,000ish customers)

That box will have roughly 6 bits fewer public IPs available for the
translations (64:1 ratio, e.g.

Multiple such mappings allowed per CGN box.

The box will algorithmically allocate 256 ports to each interior IP,
consuming about 1/4 of the exterior ports. All 256 are on the same
exterior IP. No logging need be generated where customers need fewer
than 256 translations at once. Which is most people all the time and
many of the rest most of the time.

The algorithm will exclude the .0 and .255 external addresses from
use, mapping the respective internal IPs to the other externals.

The box will dynamically allocate port ranges in blocks of 256ish
ports to the very active interior customers upon demand when no
further translations are available in that customer's existing blocks.
It will log once upon allocation of the port range and once again upon
release of the range when no translations are active for a timeout

When allocating dynamic port ranges it will try to match the
algorithmically picked IP address if port blocks are available but
will fail over to other IP addresses rather than refuse an outbound

I note that any algorithmic assignment is going to come up weak on
draft-ietf-behave-lsn-requirements's REQ-15 but that's a "should"
anyway and I'm willing to risk it.

Bill Herrin



The algorithm will exclude the .0 and .255 external addresses from
use, mapping the respective internal IPs to the other externals.


why would you want to do that. .0 and .255 are perfectly valid ips.


Except for the machines which will refuse to talk to them. There's no
excuse for post-classful stacks failing to work with those IPs but
some do anyway. Enough that you don't want to waste your support
staff's time dealing with the fallout.

Bill Herrin