.cc domain spam

Are others being spammed on their NIC contact addresses by domainspace.com
trying to sell .cc domains?

Received: from domainspace.com ([]) by yoda.fdt.net with
ESMTP id UAA01623 for <jlewis@FDT.NET>; Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:19:03 -0400

Are others being spammed on their NIC contact addresses by domainspace.com
trying to sell .cc domains?


Received: from domainspace.com ([]) by yoda.fdt.net with
ESMTP id UAA01623 for <jlewis@FDT.NET>; Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:19:03 -0400 is a lightrealm.net block.

Guess we wait and see if lightrealm gets white hat or black hat.


On Fri, Sep 25, 1998 at 08:42:05PM -0400, Jon Lewis put this into my mailbox:

Are others being spammed on their NIC contact addresses by domainspace.com
trying to sell .cc domains?

Received: from domainspace.com ([]) by yoda.fdt.net with
ESMTP id UAA01623 for <jlewis@FDT.NET>; Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:19:03 -0400

Yes; not recently, but I have been in the past. It chafes me, really; there's
a particular domain I'd like in that TLD, but I refuse to do business with
anyone who thinks spamming is OK.


Yes, you are certainly not alone. My delete button is getting worn out.
:slight_smile: In fact, I get spammed every time I register a new domain by several
different entities now.


Are others being spammed on their NIC contact addresses by domainspace.com
trying to sell .cc domains?

Received: from domainspace.com ([]) by yoda.fdt.net with
ESMTP id UAA01623 for <jlewis@FDT.NET>; Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:19:03 -0400

Yes, and the CC registry (which is in Seattle, not the Cocos Islands) is
not pleased. Polite complaints to brc@nic.cc.

This brings up an interesting question. How are the domainspace.com
creeps getting lists of newly registered domains? Do they have special
access at NetSol? Are they just grabbing the .com and .net zones
periodically, running a diff, and spamming the contacts for new domains?

Then don't do business with domainspace, do business directly with the
folks who run the .CC domain at http://www.nic.cc.

This is the second instance recently of some dealer spamming to sell
another company's product without the knowledge of the other company. In
cases like this it is best to not shoot the company whose product was
being advertised but inform them politely that their dealer is a spammer.
Then they can fix the problem.

Consider this to be the same as informing the unlucky ISP that one of
their customer's is a spammer. We don't shoot the ISP unless they show
repeatedly that they don't care.

So domainspace.com is just running a registration service and rebilling
for the .CC registry? That's even sleazier than I'd imagined. Maybe I
should register webedomains.com and sell .com .net and .org (and maybe .cc
and .to) domains for $125/year to the clueless. They pay me, I register
and pay the appropriate registry. Sounds like a plan.

Are others being spammed on their NIC contact addresses by domainspace.com
trying to sell .cc domains?

Just got a couple to two fairly newly registered domains and about 12 identical spams (amusingly saying how all their messages are highly targeted):

Received: from freemail.org.mk []
  by smarties with smtp (Exim 1.62 #3)
  id 0zMtHq-0004lF-00; Sat, 26 Sep 1998 12:17:19 +0000
Received: from your email address [] by freemail.org.mk
  (SMTPD32-4.04) id AACD1E30176; Sat, 26 Sep 1998 14:15:09 +03d00

Network Solutions, Inc. (WORLDNIC4-DOM)
   505 Huntmar Park Drive
   Herndon, VA 20170
   Domain Name: WORLDNIC.COM



That's different. That's Network Solutions scamming the clueless.
Domainspace (according to Michael) has no connection with the .cc
registry. They're just middlemen. Network Solutions might want you to
believe the same thing of worldnic.com, but I think most people here know
better. Or to sound like Mr. Flemming....many of the people on nanog know
more than most.

Wow, I guess we must be scam artists too, based on your definition.

Patrick Greenwell (800) 299-1288 v
                  CTO (925) 377-1212 v
                           NameSecure (925) 377-1414 f
Coming to the ISPF? The Forum for ISPs by ISPs http://www.ispf.com

What about www.internic.com? It's not a new idea.


Are you abusing a database (and monopoly) you were handed and given the
task of maintaining for profit?

This may be a stretch, but isn't there a law prohibiting taking advantage
of a monopoly (registration services for .com, .net, .org, .edu) to help
in the entry into a new market (forcing domain changes to domains
registered through worldnic to be changed via worldnic, when this is not
required for any other middleman/domain registration/hosting services)?

[ On Sat, September 26, 1998 at 16:03:17 (-0500), Sam Hayes Merritt, III wrote: ]

Subject: Re: .cc domain spam

> So domainspace.com is just running a registration service
> and rebilling for the .CC registry? That's even sleazier
> than I'd imagined. Maybe I should register webedomains.com
> and sell .com .net and .org (and maybe .cc and .to) domains
> for $125/year to the clueless. They pay me, I register and
> pay the appropriate registry. Sounds like a plan.

Network Solutions, Inc. (WORLDNIC4-DOM)
   505 Huntmar Park Drive
   Herndon, VA 20170
   Domain Name: WORLDNIC.COM



19:43 [146] $ whois cc24-dom

Cocos (Keeling) Islands top-level domain (CC24-DOM)
   Island Internet Services
   Box 11
   Cocos (Keeling) Islands, 6799

   Domain Name: CC

   Administrative Contact:
      Miller, Garth (GM5957) garth@NIC.CC
      +61 2 947 50013 (FAX) +61 2 947 50014
   Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
      Cartmell, Brian (BC6684) brc@NIC.CC
      +1 206 329 7900 (FAX) +1 206 329 7107

   Record last updated on 22-Jun-98.
   Record created on 13-Oct-97.
   Database last updated on 26-Sep-98 04:18:38 EDT.

   Domain servers in listed order:


double "eh?"

This may be a stretch, but isn't there a law prohibiting taking advantage
of a monopoly (registration services for .com, .net, .org, .edu) to help
in the entry into a new market (forcing domain changes to domains
registered through worldnic to be changed via worldnic, when this is not
required for any other middleman/domain registration/hosting services)?

In the United States, it's called "restraint of trade."


No, Jon... don't you remember from earlier this year? There's actually
a semi-reasonable explanation for that one.

Trademark problem on "InterNIC", as I recall.

-- jra

Gee...I thought it was anti-trust.

Wow, I guess we must be scam artists too, based on your definition.


Cool. Never been called a scam artist before. Boy, we sure are scamming a
lot of folks. So well in fact that neither they or we realized that they
were being scammed, or that we were scamming them.

<Crawling back under my rock>

Patrick Greenwell (800) 299-1288 v
                  CTO (925) 377-1212 v
                           NameSecure (925) 377-1414 f
Coming to the ISPF? The Forum for ISPs by ISPs http://www.ispf.com