CanSecWest/core05 Call for Papers - May 4-6 2005 - Deadline December 6 2004



Network Security Training Conference
   May 4-6 2005
   Vancouver, B.C.

   CanSecWest would like to announce the call for papers of the
   spring, sixth annual, CanSecWest/core05 network security training
   conference and the announcement of the final set of presentations
   for the conference. The CanSecWest/core05
   conference will be held on May 4-6 at the Mariott Renaissance in
   downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The conference
   focuses on emerging information security tutorials and

   Please submit all proposals for presentations by December 6.

   This year we will continue to also have two kinds of
   presentations, the normal one hour tutorials, and there will
   again be a session of the popular "lightning talks": 5 minutes
   max (BigHook/Gong enforced) and 1-3 slides. Selected "lightning
   talk" presenters will receive registration discounts (or rebates)
   - travel and accomodations are their responsibility. "Lightning
   talk" submissions should follow the same submission guidelines
   below. Deadline for "lightning talk" submissions is January 17th,

   The conference is responsible for travel and accomodations for
   the tutorial speakers. If you have a proposal for a tutorial
   session then please email a synopsis of the material and your
   biography, papers, and speaking background to Tutorials are one hour in length. Only
   slides will be needed for the April paper deadline, full text
   does not have to be submitted.

   The CanSecWest/core05 conference consists of tutorials on
   technical details about current issues, innovative techniques and
   best practices in the information security realm. The audiences
   are a multi-national mix of professionals involved on a daily
   basis with security work: security product vendors, programmers,
   security officers, and network administrators. We give preference
   to technical details and education for a technical audience.
   The conference itself is a single track series of presentations
   in a lecture theater environment. The presentations offer
   speakers the opportunity to showcase on-going research and
   collaborate with peers while educating and highlighting
   advancements in security products and techniques. The focus is on
   innovation, tutorials, and education instead of overt product
   pitches. Some commercial content is tolerated, but it needs to be
   backed up by a technical presenter - either giving a valuable
   tutorial and best practices instruction or detailing significant
   new technology in the products.

   Paper proposals should consist of the following information:

   1) Presenter, and geographical location (country of
   origin/passport) and contact info (e-mail, postal address, phone,

   2) Employer and/or affiliations.

   3) Brief biography, list of publications and papers.

   4) Any significant presentation and educational

   5) Topic synopsis, Proposed paper title, and a one paragraph

   6) Reason why this material is innovative or significant or an
   important tutorial.

   7) Optionally, any samples of prepared material or outlines

   Please forward the above information to to
   be considered for placement on the speaker roster.

   The selected papers for are:

   George Kurtz - Google Hacking: Searching for ways to stop hackers.
   Shane "K2" Macaulay & Dino Dai Zovi - Wireless vulnerabilities
        from rogue access points.
   Nico Fischbach - Voice Over IP Security
   Maximillian Dornseif - 0wn3d by an iPod: Firewire/1394 Issues
   Nico Fischbach & Toby Kohlenberg - Best methods for detecting
         anomalies in global networks
   David Meltzer - Hybrid approaches for optimized network discovery
   Nicolas Brulez - Windows virus executable file infections and
        heuristic detection.
   Ivan Arce - Analyzing exploit code quality.
   Hiroaki Etoh - Stack Protection Systems (ProPolice, XP SP2...).
   Laurent Oudot - Countering Attack Deception Techniques.
   Greg Smith - Security Tutorial for Administrators.
   Ejovi Nuwhere - Inside Jyukinet: The Audit.

   More information on the conference in Tokyo
   on November 11-12 can be found at

   Advance discount registration is now open for CanSecWest/core05
