Canadian Legacy Subnets & ARIN - Looking for feedback


    How easy is it to resolve?

    We have 4-5 subnets which where erroneously assigned to our
customers when ARIN took over all the NA smaller registries like UToronto.

    All the paperwork refer to US legalese, which we have some
difficulties meshing with Canadian resources at our disposal.

    ( And some level of form-phobia from my part =D )

    Beside that, good friday.

I’ve referred this to the appropriate people at ARIN. You should receive a reply shortly.

                                -Bill (with ARIN trustee hat on)

Alain -

    It shouldn't be difficult to resolve, presuming that changes were
    made in error.

    Are you the best person to work with on this, or someone else in
    your organization?


John Curran
President and CEO


    Yes that is the harder part, and that they date back from the
UToronto days (93-96 or about).

    I do not think any of those faxes survived (or someone bothered
archiving them on micro fiche) =D

    In any case, thx for the follow up.

    Yes that is the harder part, and that they date back from the
UToronto days (93-96 or about).

    I do not think any of those faxes survived (or someone bothered
archiving them on micro fiche) =D

open a dialogue with the folks at ARIN.

my guess is they have a cache of documents that were forwarded to them by
the likes of herb kugel and others, when the transition happened.

they may not be complete, but they will likely have enough info to get you
authorized to fix things up.

when it comes to the legacy stuff, i've found ARIN to be fair, but thorough.
