Canadian ISP Code of Conduct

Noticed a press release this morning which stated the CAIP (Canadian
Association of Internet Providers) had defined a 'voluntary' code of
conduct for Canadian ISP's. FYI.

- paul

Noticed a press release this morning which stated the CAIP (Canadian
Association of Internet Providers) had defined a 'voluntary' code of
conduct for Canadian ISP's. FYI.

- paul

And here's what I had to say to someone on another list:

ISP's. What's good for ISP's is not necessarily good for the Internet.
The CAIP has been quite happy to climb on board with the government

Let's get one thing perfectly clear here. CAIP is *NOT* climbing on board
with the government. A Government of Canada department called Industry
Canada started CAIP by calling on several ISP's (all telephone companies
or their subsidiaries) to form a Canadian ISP organization. When the flap
occurred in Ontario regarding ISDN rates, some members of the coalitiona
against Bell were also invited to join. CAIP has held most of it's
meetings at the Industry Canada offices in Ottawa. Guests at the meetings
include such notables as the RCMP advising CAIP on Internet content rules.

Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 - E-mail: