Can somebody stop from forwarding spam, kthx!

I am fairly sure that the fake "Western Union" message and various other
spams that are dripping through are from real subscribers...

Also, as somebody decided to drop mailman and replace it by 'bulk_mailer
v1.13' maybe one should start fixing that software also to add the
List-* headers aka RF2369 headers before we get a flood of 'I want to
unsubscribe!' kind of messages, as currently there are no details in the

Jeroen (Jeroen Massar) wrote:

I am fairly sure that the fake "Western Union" message and various other
spams that are dripping through are from real subscribers...

what I find most interesting is that I have received no spam via this list
today. I've checked my spamfilters' garbage heap...

Did someone unsubscribe me from the spam part of the list? Thank you :slight_smile:


As far as I can tell me neither. I feel so left out :frowning:

   Ryan Pavely
    Director Research And Development
    Net Access Corporation

You probably don't have and its associated mail servers whitelisted in spamassassin/filtering/etc. In an effort to avoid bouncing list mail, I put them in a while back. Unfortunately, side effect is exactly what happened last night. :slight_smile: