Call for Presentations - NANOG 39 - Toronto

The North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG) will hold its
39th meeting February 4-7, 2007, in Toronto, Canada.

The meeting will be co-hosted by the Toronto Internet Exchange and
Teleglobe, a VSNL International company.

NANOG conferences provide a forum for information exchange among
network operators, engineers, and researchers. Meetings are held
three times each year, and include panels, presentations, tutorial
sessions, and BOFs.

NANOG solicits presentations highlighting issues relating to
technology already deployed or soon to be deployed in the Internet.
The NANOG community is invited to attend and participate in this
forum, which offers numerous opportunities to share ideas, explore
research and development, and interact with leaders in this important
field of network operations. Vendors are encouraged to work with
operators to present deployment experiences with the vendor's
products and interoperability.

General Session