California hits stage 3 power emergency

I haven't seen Sean post about this yet, so figured I would.

California's been getting hit with a nasty storm since yesterday that's
taken out some more major power plants; the CAISO declared a Stage 3
(rolling blackouts all around) power emergency just before 9 AM PST today.

See for pretty graphs.

Have you test-run your backup generators and transfer switches lately? }:>


More particularly, for those who negotiated lower power rates in
exchange for a promise to remove themselves from the grid in the event
of such, does ANYONE at your NOC know how to do this without blowing
your UPS? :slight_smile:


We are now running on emergency power. Calls to PG&E about outages are get a
recording that rolling blackouts are in progress.

Also see

Roy Engehausen

PG&E started with "block 3" (look on your power bill for what block number
you are) -- assuming 1 hour per blackout, and they go through the block
numbers in sequence, you have an idea of when you'll get hit. Anyone have
an idea of how many PG&E blocks there are?
