CAIDA's 2012 IPv6 survey -- need network operators to fill out

[direct link to IPv6 operational deployment [plans] survey
if you don't need background:
hello folks,

we're trying to do some quantitative modeling of
the IPv4->IPv6 transition, including the impact of
IPv4 markets on likely future trajectories, but
really need some empirical data to parametrize our model.
with much help from many patient reviewers of the questions,
we finally have a survey ready for operators to fill out.

below i'll give an extremely terse description of the model
just to give you an idea of why we need this granularity.
there are another 10 dense pages describing the model pending
peer review at NSF, which i can send to anyone interested in
giving us feedback on it. but it's not necessary for
responding to the survey. also note the checkbox to
indicate you're amenable to further followup questions.
survey will be available till 12 april 2012.
(or tell us if you want to fill it out but need more time.)

survey link, again:

thanks much,
k, amogh, emile

Hello folks,

Thanks much to those of you who already completed our IPv6 deployment survey. We forgot to mention in the first email (though it's on the survey URL) that we are offering a free iPad to a randomly chosen survey respondent. Hopefully this is an additional incentive for more of you to fill out the survey :slight_smile:

The survey URL once again:

We will keep the survey open until April 20, 2012. Please let us know if you have questions/comments, or if you can chat with us for follow-up questions outside the survey.

Amogh, kc, Emile