Cacti Bandwidth Monitoring


I have a cacti server running and it has been working fine so far except for one interface which has an average of 150Mbps going through it now. Before when I had less than 120Mbps I got proper graphs but of late it gives me graphs of 20Mbps when it should be giving me the correct reading (150Mbps).

Is there a maximum bandwidth it graphs or can this be edited so that I get proper graphs?

Dear Peter,

I have a cacti server running and it has been working fine so far except for one interface which has an average of 150Mbps going through it now. Before when I had less than 120Mbps I got proper graphs but of late it gives me graphs of 20Mbps when it should be giving me the correct reading (150Mbps).

Is there a maximum bandwidth it graphs or can this be edited so that I get proper graphs?

32bit counters run over with 100mbit in less than 5 minutes.

run poller every 1 minute & update rrd's heartbeat
or use 64bit counters

Kind regards,
   Ingo Flaschberger

Sounds like you're using 32bit counters, create a new graph of the interface using 64bit counters in cacti.


Try using 64 bit couters, you are running into a rounding error.

You need to use 64 bit counters. Here you can find more info:

The problem is that at 150 mbps 32 bit counters roll-over at least
twice in the 5 min interval.

Warm regards

Carlos Martinez

Do you have it set for 64 bit counters?

Sounds like you need to use the 64 bit templates as your data may be
"rolling over".

Thanks to all. I used the 64 bit template and it's now working fine.

Peter R.

Bill Blackford wrote:

Also isn't more appropriate then nanog?

   Ryan Pavely
    Director Research And Development
    Net Access Corporation

Also don't forget to change to SNMP v2 or higher since there is no such
thing as 64 bit counters in the SNMP v1 MIB.