Cable & Wireless Maintencance

Cable & Wireless has performed network maintenance this morning to enable us
to expand on our use of communities. Our updated policy can be found at

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused during our
implementation of this new policy.


This part:

is really cool. Do any other backbones support such selective prepending
to peers?

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 12:00:23 -0500 (EST)

This part:

is really cool. Do any other backbones support such selective
prepending to peers?


701: "too complex to implement" (see NANOG archives)
1239: claims to (soon will find out for certain)
3561: good job!
3356: unofficially
3549: "plans to", but no definite date
4006: yes (comments or URL, Daniel? how is post-Cogent? who is
      the current NetRail/Cogent BGP guru?)
6347: definite no, no plans to

I know that I've asked the same question myself many times...
Phil in CW Europe mentioned that they were planning to do what
they have now launched, L3 contacted me off-list, UU is public,
GBLX and SVVS are based on my personal private communications,
and SPRN is secondhand info.

I, too, would love a comprehensive checklist for the biggest two
or three dozen ASNs. Anyone else who can comment on other ASNs,
or add clarity to what I've posted?



3356: unofficially


I, too, would love a comprehensive checklist for the biggest two
or three dozen ASNs. Anyone else who can comment on other ASNs,
or add clarity to what I've posted?

Se whois for AS9057 (Level3 EU) for supported customer communities
for all Level3 ASes.

/nco wrote (on Nov 17):

> Cable & Wireless has performed network maintenance this morning to enable us
> to expand on our use of communities. Our updated policy can be found at

This part:

is really cool. Do any other backbones support such selective prepending
to peers?

Ebone, AS1755 do (though I'm sure KPNQ will fix that next year).

So does my humble network, though I just noticed the public documentation
for it is somewhat out of date. Bugger. :slight_smile:


4006 did - I have no idea what the new owners (Cogent) intend, in that
area. Hopefully they will stick with it. Implimenting a rich community set
like this is a boon to customers, and generally a great learning experience
for the engineers involved. It is also a great troubleshooting tool for NOCs
and engineering departments. Kudos to C&W for this. Efforts such as this,
show that the concept of "transit as a commodity" is really nonsensical.

If anyone is actually interested in how to do impliment something like this,
let me know. If there is enough interest, perhaps a tutorial on this could
be done at the next NANOG.

- Daniel Golding

Greetings all,

I'm trying to compile a list of community support by some of the
larger ASNs. It appears that there's a fair amount of interest
in this, so I'd like to build a quick webpage/database listing
what I find... but so far my information is horribly incomplete.

Does anyone know which ASNs disclose their ingress-tagging
communities? I know that 3356 (thanks, Kevin!) and 3549 do,
and that 6347 tags but does not disclose. It appears that
C&W tags, although with coarser granularity than 3356 or 3549.

IOW, support seems similar to selective-prepend support.

Of particular interest are public/private/downstream/upstream,
geography, and ingress or bottleneck interface bandwidth (if
anyone does this) tags. ASNs about which I am curious:

1, 174, 209, 1833, 2828, 2548, 2914, 3967 (will it be rolled into
3561?), 4006 (?), 4136, 4565, 4969, 5645, 5650, 5696, 6259, 6395,
6453, 6461, 6467, 6993, 7018, 7911, 7960, 8001, and any other
related or similar-size ASNs that I've omitted.

RR-type web page references are ideal, but email is fine.


P.S. -- Although I'm mostly curious about the larger ASNs, it's
by no means restricted. If you're a basement multihomer, and
want to share, go for it. :slight_smile: