cable provider problems yesterday around 1pm EST?

Is anyone aware of any routing problems with any cable providers yesterday
around 1pm EST? Thanks!

-- Rich

Rich Casto expunged (

Is anyone aware of any routing problems with any cable providers yesterday
around 1pm EST? Thanks!

I dare you to be more vague....


Has anyone had any problems this past week. Y'know...'problems'...?


Were there any problems on the internet at 1 PM EST yesterday :slight_smile: But
honestly which provider and in what area?

We experienced connectivity loss from both our Level 3 and AT&T connections
to our telecommuter population who primarily use the following cable
providers: Time-Warner (RoadRunner), Cox, and Comcast. Our AT&T circuits go
into NYC and our Level 3 goes into Newark, NJ.

-- Rich

I experienced significant packet loss and dropped connections (possibly caused by that) at about that time yesterday. My ISP is Charter Cable.
