Business Opportunity

Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 10:43:22 -0700
From: David Carmean <>
Subject: Re: Business Opportunity

Looks like that remove request worked great...for the spammers.

They've now got our number. I vote to close posting to

I agree...provided that the subscription process is screened so that
spammers can't sign up to the list.


Ron Buchalski
SE, Cisco Systems

I agree...provided that the subscription process is screened so that
spammers can't sign up to the list.


This requires giving the secret NANOG handshake that has
been alluded to (and which no one admits exists). How
are you supposed to know if someone is a spammer or not?

This is a list operational issue anyway and not something that
should decrease the already dwindling signal/noise ratio.

Bradley Reynolds
Internet Access Group "The cluemeter is not functioning today"