Building NOCs

Hi NANOG, hope everyone had a great July 4th.

Our operation is at a stage where it's time to really invest some money in
building a classy network operations facility. Our data center functions
are handled seperately, so at this time, this is merely a place for
housing operations staff. I've searched the cctec archives and found a few
really old threads regarding how to tackle the NOC building process.
We're a systems house, but I imagine the principles exist along the same

Obviously, some of the principles from building data centers apply here -
i'm not totally out of my depth. I've thought about things like lighting,
ergonomics, information sources, phones, power, environmental, etc. What
i'm really looking for from the community are a) links to manufacturers
of good NOC gear, b) recommendations on the above, and c) financial
worksheets detailing cost proposals, if any. In addition, any contractor
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

When I say NOC gear, what I really mean is NOC furniture, large information
displays, and guidance/standards on how to build facilities. It's been
a long time since i've done this sort of thing on any kind of a serious

Since I know that some of the information i'm requesting is proprietary,
feel free to eliminate the names of the accused and reply privately off-list.
I'll summarize if it looks necessary.


Try This is a company created by several NOC