Building a NOC

Some urban archaeologist is going to take up a research project that
investigates why certain artifacts predominate under raised floors. In

Pocket protectors? Slide rules? Any other items nerd/engineers carry
in their shirt pocket that falls out when they are head-first into the
raised floor.

Do think of underfloor drains. They are your friend. In close to 30 years
of working with computer rooms, with all the emphasis on fire protection,
I've never had a computer room fire. I have, however, had several major
floods related to fire protection -- a couple from water running downhill
from a fire fought on a higher floor, two from burst sprinkler lines
(improperly protected from freezing), and more from ordinary plumbing
emergencies such as clogged and overflowing toilets.

Floor drains are good. But once again, you need to have a chat with
your designer & inspector about what, why, when. Anti-backflow valves,
and floor sink traps are mandatory. Automatic trap primers seem to lead
to flooding. For example, St. Louis County recently opened a new jail.
However it was delayed three months because the week before opening when
they discovered if all the toilets were flushed at the same time on the
eighth floor, as prisoners are known to do, the sinks exploded on the
bottom floor. The plumbing designer had followed normal industry practice
for commercial buildings, but forgot jails house a user population that
is different from a normal commercial building.

Like most disasters, you may not be able to prevent flooding, but you
can mitigate some of its affects. Hit the E.P.O. and unfurl the plastic
tarps you have stored & handy for just this emergency.

Putting equipment on high, rather than low, floors can protect it.

Pick your disaster scenario, low-flying airplanes or high-flowing water.

Another local factor that MUST be considered in certain cities, and can be
far worse to deal with than building inspectors, is the local electrical
union. Some are great craftsmen and incredibly helpful. But there are
also cities where a union may perceive the data people running low-voltage
circuits as under their jurisdiction...and cables have been known to be
cut. Some of my New York friends have worked out very specific personal
procedures to get on good terms with the shop steward Local 3 of the IBEW
before starting a specific project.

Competent union electricians are a joy to work with. Incompetent craftsmen
are not. Incompetent union craftsmen are [expletive deleted]. Just because
the NEC includes Article 800, doesn't mean the typical electrician has a clue
how to properly install communication wiring. On the other hand, I've found
the same thing to be true of a lot of data people.

A fun factoid, in 100% of the power audits conducted by American Power
Conversion ( they found violations of the NEC. Admitly
this is a self-selected sample. People don't normally have a power quality
audit done, unless they are having power problems. But it does show using
union electricians, and passing a building inspection doesn't always mean
a top-quality job.

I wonder if any of the TEMPEST manuals have been declassified? THey never
were at a terribly high level, and had some very nice general engineering
in them.

Not yet. Although I've been trying to figure out how to buy the old
MCAUTO (McDonnell-Douglas Automation) Data Center and turn it in to the
Mid-West high-tech co-location space. In addition to a three-story,
multi-football field long data center, and a backup power plant a small
city would envy, it is rumored to have so-called black-project rooms with
TEMPEST/EMP/EMF/RFI/TLA... shielding. InterNIC and PSI could co-locate
in the same building, and not run into each other even in the parking
lot. I've only seen one cafeterria in the building, so that could be
a problem :-).

Pocket protectors? Slide rules? Any other items nerd/engineers carry
in their shirt pocket that falls out when they are head-first into the
raised floor.

We've found socks and cigarette butts. Needless to say the perp is no
longer with us :slight_smile:

Like most disasters, you may not be able to prevent flooding, but you
can mitigate some of its affects. Hit the E.P.O. and unfurl the plastic
tarps you have stored & handy for just this emergency.

We also put drip pans which cover the entire ceiling over the data center -
we were burnt 2 years ago in a pre-war office building in NYC. (avoid space
with wc's above!) The pans drain outside of the machine room into a
high-traffic hallway (with a drain). Any drips get noticed very quickly,
and we don't have to test the water alarm.

Rod Nayfield wrote:

We also put drip pans which cover the entire ceiling over the data center -
we were burnt 2 years ago in a pre-war office building in NYC. (avoid space
with wc's above!) The pans drain outside of the machine room into a
high-traffic hallway (with a drain). Any drips get noticed very quickly,
and we don't have to test the water alarm.

  Which war? Theres been so many of them :slight_smile: