Broken IPV6 for Enterprise websites

The and websites advertise AAAA records,
but the web servers don't respond to IPV6 HTTP requests. I have tried
to contacting Enterprise several times to correct, but I can't get thru
their layers of customer service. I'm hoping that somebody on NANOG
knows a technical contact at Enterprise.

As a related thing, since the iOS9 GM and with the 9.0.1 update today
I certainly have seen a significant increase in the IPv6 traffic due
to the changes with happy eyeballs. It’s doubled since the days prior
to the 9.0GM release.

Having working IPv6 is critical and monitoring both your v6 as well as v4
is important.

I’m expecting Frank Bulk to add enterprise to his monitoring system today.
He certainly gave me grief about some of our corporate sites until they
fixed issues.

- jared

In article <> you write:

The and websites advertise AAAA records,
but the web servers don't respond to IPV6 HTTP requests. I have tried
to contacting Enterprise several times to correct, but I can't get thru
their layers of customer service. I'm hoping that somebody on NANOG
knows a technical contact at Enterprise.

The WHOIS info for their IPv6 addresses finds a direct allocation from
ARIN and a contact with an email address and direct phone number.
Have you tried calling him?


FYI, started responding to HTTPv6 requests this morning at
12:17 am (U.S. Central). Not ICMPv6, though.

It was also up October 11 from 4:09 to 4:16 am, and then again from 4:26 to
4:46 am.

Since I've started tracking it, this is the longest the site has been
accessible over IPv6. has only been up over IPv6 on October 11 from 12:54 am to
1:04 am.
