botnet reporting by AS - what about you?


I can assure you that the Drone Army project is not run that
way, and is quite useful, effective, etc.

The folks behind the DA Project are certainly professionals...
...and the infromation is quite useable, parse-able, and genuine.

- ferg


I can assure you that the Drone Army project is not run that
way, and is quite useful, effective, etc.

The folks behind the DA Project are certainly professionals...
...and the infromation is quite useable, parse-able, and genuine.

cool, among the 800k+ complaints we see a month (yes, 800k) there are
quite a few completely useless ones :frowning: Anything sent in as a complaint has
to have complete and useful information, else it's hard/impossible to
action properly.

It'd help if the format it was sent in was also machine parseable :slight_smile: With
800k+ complaints/month I'm not sure people want to spend time figuring
each one out, a script/machine should be doing as much as possible.