
and, instead of "polluting" the list with tech news
snippets, post them to a blog.


Can I get a Hallelujah?! :slight_smile:

not from me. makes as much sense as turning nanog into a web-access only
mail sink. i liked your news items. and sean's. i wouldn't have known to
go look at the iraqi network operator/nic situation if "news" about the
hack on aljazeera/akamai-reneg and so on weren't on-list.

the sacred cow of the moment is the one with domain names splattered
untidily all over the pasture. next week or month or year it could be
something else. jamacia w/o reachable nameservers, or a trunk-cut way
outside of north america by some barge dragging anchor.

I have to agree... Paul's been doing an excellent job of picking out the
one or two things that really matter each day, and I've found it quite
valuable. I think that unlike much of the administrivial chatter on the
list lately, and the usual kids-ranting-at-each-other, this has been
improving the signal-to-noise ratio quite a bit.


I have to agree... Paul's been doing an excellent job of picking out


one or two things that really matter each day,

Several other NANOG-affiliated projects post regular reports to the list.
CIDR report, weekly routing table report, Bogon project...
I think it would be great if Paul posted a regular
headlines update from his blog, either daily, or
whenever some reasonable number of articles has
accumulated, say half a dozen.

His service is a real value-add and it is a good
idea to incorporate some more of the latest Internet
communication tools into NANOG.

--Michael Dillon

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so i go to get my mornin' fergie fix before heading to the airport,
and it is three days stale. i demand a full refund!


I agree. I like mail lists because they are self-editing. S/N on any mail list is much better than the S/N in all of blogspace. Mail lists are also a push, instead of a pull. I always go through my email since there may be something useful, interesting or important. I have to go read blogs (or RSS feeds), and that's something that usually gets put in the low priority queue.

So, Paul, please keep posting your tidbits.
