Blocking TCP flows?

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to block individual TCP flows (5-tuple) on a 1-10 gbps
link, with new blocked flows being dropped within a millisecond or so of
added. I've been looking into using OpenFlow on an HP Procurve, but I don't
know much in this area, so I'm looking for better alternatives.

Ideally, such a device would add minimal latency (many/expandable CAM
entries?), can handle many programatically added flows (hundreds per
and would be deployable in a production network (fails in bypass mode). Are
there any
COTS devices I should be looking at? Or is the market for this all under
the table to
pro-censorship governments?



Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to block individual TCP flows (5-tuple) on a 1-10 gbps
link, with new blocked flows being dropped within a millisecond or so of
added. I've been looking into using OpenFlow on an HP Procurve, but I don't
know much in this area, so I'm looking for better alternatives.

this sounds like a job for the arista box with the FGPA onboard, no?

I didn't think the bus up to the FGPA was very beefy...wouldn't you need to
send flows up there off the data-plane for inspection?

I didn't think the bus up to the FGPA was very beefy...wouldn't you need to
send flows up there off the data-plane for inspection?

not sure, but their docs talk about using the fpga for doing HFT... so
I presume it's got the abiliity to see all traffic on at least on
interface, eh?

(I believe the fpga is really connected to the bus as a 10g link...
but I haven't tried this I've only read their docs)

Are you trying to block flows from becoming established, knowing what
you're looking for ahead of time, or are you looking to examine a
stream of flow establishments, and will snipe off some flows once
you've determined that they should be blocked?

If you know a 5-tuple (src/dst IP, IP protocol, src/dst L4 ports) you
want to block ahead of time, just place an ACL. It depends on the
platform, but those that implement them in hardware can filter a lot
of traffic very quickly.
However, they're not a great tool when you want to dynamically
reconfigure the rules.

For high-touch inspection, I'd recommend a stripe of Linux boxes, with
traffic being ECMP-balanced across all of them, sitting in-line on the
traffic path. It adds a tiny bit of latency, but can scale up to
process large traffic paths and apply complex inspections on the


I really like the idea of a stripe of linux boxes doing the heavy lifting.
Any suggestions on platforms, card types, and chip types that might be
better purposed at processing this type of data?

I assume you could write some fast Perl to ingest and manage the tables?
What would the package of choice be for something like this?

I would assume something FreeBSD based might be best....

haha :slight_smile: that's cute.

Better still,


I would assume something FreeBSD based might be best....

Meh... personal choice. I prefer Linux, mostly because I know it best
and most network application development is taking place there.

I really like the idea of a stripe of linux boxes doing the heavy lifting.
Any suggestions on platforms, card types, and chip types that might be
better purposed at processing this type of data?

Personally, I'd use modern-ish Intel Ethernet NICs. They seem to have
the best support in the kernel.

I assume you could write some fast Perl to ingest and manage the tables?
What would the package of choice be for something like this?

Heh... "fast" Perl.
As for programming the processing, I would do as much as possible in
the kernel, as passing packets off to userland really slows everything
If you really need to, I'd do something with Go and/or C these days.

Using iptables and the "string" module to match patterns, you can chew
through packets pretty efficiently. This comes with the caveat that
this can only match against strings contained within a single packet;
this doesn't do L4 stream reconstruction.

You can do some incredibly-parallel stuff with ntop's PF_RING code, if
you blow more traffic through a single core than it can chew through.

It all depends on what you're trying to do.


Procera Networks --

That will do what you want.


Yeah, I only thought of perl cause I'm used to running through 'while true'
loops and someone showed me Perl was about 400x faster....good thing I'm
not running through 10gb/s worth of data :smiley:

Figured getting closer to hardware was the way to go.....I'll have to check
out PF_RING.

Johnathan is correct about not using perl for this. There are some iptables
modules, but they're all out of date or incomplete (I mention this because
if you get around to making them work decent, I'll love you for it).
Otherwise, perl -> IPC::Run -> ipt isn't going to gain you anything. And
I'd be amazed if you could even keep up with a gbit.

Per signature detection, see Bro. Though, it seems the ipt state module
might fit the bill just fine. And you could log that and then have an ETL
that scraped your log file and created a new ACL based on that (so that
hardware could do the majority of the work). I'm sure an ipt -> acl isn't a
new idea and you can probably find something that handles most edge cases.

ROFL... I ca n't even typeee... so funny... perl fast.... oh goosh...

+1 for Bro

What's the actual application for this mechanism?

Oddly enough, anticensorship. We use similar technology as the censors
(DPI, flow blocking), but use our system in a non-censoring country's ISP
to detect secret tags in connections from censored countries, and serve as
a proxy for them. Once we detect a flow with a secret tag passing through
the ISP, we block the real flow, and start spoofing half of the connection.
We use this covert channel to communicate to the client and act as a proxy.
To the censor, this looks like a normal connection to some innocuous,
unrelated (and unblocked) website. The obvious difficulty is convincing
ISPs to deploy such a proxy. More details can be found at

I think we just discussed this over in the huawei list :wink:

This is pretty awesome!


I haven't read the full paper yet, however, are you simply acting as a
proxy and redirecting based on the secret tag found in the header?

What is your expectation for session/second use? I would think you would
need to scale largely, however, I don't have a good understanding of how
large the market is for users trying to obfuscate the states
firewall/proxy/dns controls etc.

ISP seems like a great place to live for that; what have they said so far?