Blocking specific sites within certain countries.

Simply not true. See the kidnap case that was solved with cooperation
between the Swedish and French police. The kidnapers in France was
extradited to Sweden although they where arrested in France because
they received the ransom there.

Where was the crime commited though? If the kidnapping was in Sweden
then that was within the rules.


Simply not true. See the kidnap case that was solved with cooperation
between the Swedish and French police. The kidnapers in France was
extradited to Sweden although they where arrested in France because
they received the ransom there.

Where was the crime commited though? If the kidnapping was in Sweden
then that was within the rules.

Well, good question. I am no lawyer but the kidnapping was in Sweden and the ransom was payed and received in France. Not sure what that means in legal terms.

But perhaps we should get back to some operational discussion.

- kurtis -