Black Hole Vixie/RBL

If not Paul sitting in judgement, then who? No one else has stepped
forward. No tribunal in Sri Lanka will get any attention of ISPs in
Seattle. No commitee-of-5 in Boise will get the attention of a spam farm in

I assume you know about the ORBS system.

Someone wrote:

If not Paul sitting in judgement, then who? No one else has stepped
forward. No tribunal in Sri Lanka will get any attention of ISPs in
Seattle. No commitee-of-5 in Boise will get the attention of a spam
farm in Israel.

Hal Murray wrote:
+ I assume you know about the ORBS system.

ORBS is not a system. It's a way
to harrass people, to cripple servers
and to act as judge/jury. Another
reason regulation of the Internet
under such documents as the Digital
Bill of Rights will occur.

Bob Allisat

Free Community Network _ . _