Black Frog - the botnets keep coming

Sorry, this is not acceptable, regardless of national boundaries.

And it will be fought against, regardless of where it originates,
or resides. Always.

I do not condone collateral damage strategies in this regard, but
suggesting that a "wild, wild west" Internet is something that will
be a contimuum -- it cannot be, and will not be.

As such, I also do not condone such activities as Blue/Black Frog
suggest, as it is completely contrary to established practices of
mitigation (and removal).

- ferg

p.s. Now if we could only get the registries onboard...

You have not other chance than to accept it - itr is real life. Period.

So are (for example) skript kiddies.

I did not mean _dont fight them_. I mean _fight and learn to live with
them_. They did existed and will exist; and it is better,
if they exist in some numbers (they play a role of predators in wildlife,
eating weakerst -:slight_smile: - of course, it looks strange and I do not like them,

Netwok must be designed to survive few DDOS attacks easily, by
auto-isolating and auto-limiting such traffic. Else,
you will have a serious problems if real traffic became congested (for
example, everyone rush to download fee iPOD songs).

Script-kiddies... what's about them, they existed in 199x-th as well and
they will exist in 201x. Just as mountain lionss do exists in Bay Area (and
sometimes can eat your favorite cat...)

Netwok must be designed to survive few DDOS attacks easily, by
auto-isolating and auto-limiting such traffic. Else,
you will have a serious problems if real traffic became congested (for
example, everyone rush to download fee iPOD songs).

Mafiaboy hosed down a few big sites - I think he had something like 850
zombies under his control. Today's botnets are averaging some 100x the size.

The problem is cost - the vast majority of sites on the Internet really *can't*
afford the resources needed to withstand the impact of a 100K zombie botnet
or a mention on Slashdot. Even sites with big pipes have to make judgment
calls - our site has enough OC-12's worth of pipe to ride out a small attack.
But at some point, we need to draw the line and say "We're not putting in
another OC-48 until our normal traffic justifies it, and we'll just have to
bet that we don't piss off anybody with an OC-48's worth of zombies".

Script-kiddies... what's about them, they existed in 199x-th as well and
they will exist in 201x.

10 years ago, the script-kiddies were armed with the equivalent of switchblade
knives - now they're packing the equivalent of AK-47s and several magazines
of extra ammo.