Bit-dumping [Was: Re: Peering Policy]

Sorry, but I'm about 50 mails behind in this thread, so I may repeat
something someone may have suggested, but I'll give it a shot in
case someone hasn't said this.

Might there be a way Cisco (ahem, the router vendor) could add an IP
or MAC based inbound (or outbound) filter on the next hop? If so, I could
maintain a filter that matches my peers. This would not prevent my peers
from pointing default at me, but would prevent non-peers from doing so.


Might there be a way Cisco (ahem, the router vendor) could add an IP
   or MAC based inbound (or outbound) filter on the next hop? If so, I could
   maintain a filter that matches my peers. This would not prevent my peers
   from pointing default at me, but would prevent non-peers from doing so.

I actually looked at doing this. It turns out that it's non-trivial to
implement, would have serious performance repercussions, is most likely
ISP-specific, and is only applicable while the interconnect remains a
shared media. Given this, the fact that there are bigger fish to fry, and
my belief that FDDI's days are numbered in interconnect applications, I
recommended against it.
