BGP testbed tools

This is obviously a rookie question, but I haven't found anything by
searching. I'm looking to set up a small testbed to simulate our
internal network topology, and I want to have a realistic BGP table
from the fake "upstream" routers. Ideally what I'd like to do is dump
the BGP table from our production routers, strip the immediate
neighbor AS, and load the table into Quagga or OpenBGPD to advertise.
I'm running into two problems: how do you dump BGP tables in a
machine-parseable format from IOS, and how do you make the route
server advertise the routes as they were in the original table,
including the full AS-path, communities, etc? If Quagga/OpenBGPD
aren't the right tools, I'm happy to use something else.

This seems like it would be a pretty standard thing to do, but none of
the tools I've found seem aimed at this sort of testbed.


-Ben Jencks

Use libbgpdump from to get raw data from (you're looking for newest bview file),
and dump them using bgpdump to something easily to parse. Then
using bgpsimple (from googlecode) simulate a peer with specific
number of prefixes advertised - up to the limit of the contents
of the file. You can spoof next-hop, AS, etc. As for the attribute
manipulation, fire up a couple of VMWare/VirtualBox/vimage instances
with quagga/openbgpd to accept the prefixes from bgpsimple and
mangle them in some manner.

Here you go.

This might do what you need:

MDFMT - MRT dump file manipulation toolkit

This is how you can do it with Quagga:

You could write a Perl (or whatever your favorite scripting language is) script to get Quagga/IOS configuration from live BGP data, but it would be non-trivial and the resulting configuration would be enormous. I know there was a similar discussion months ago on the NANOG mailing list; browse the archives.

Ivan Pepelnjak /

Cisco has a tool called RouteM which they use for lots of BGP scalability testing. I used it a lot back in my testing days at UU. Basically you just saved the contents of "show ip route" and you could replay that using the tool. Man I wish I saved that tool somewhere, it was incredibly valuable.

You might be able find someone out there that still has this tool. And please get me an extra copy if you do manage to find it :wink:

Stefan Fouant, CISSP, JNCIE-M/T
GPG Key ID: 0xB5E3803D

Thanks everyone. bgpsimple ended up being the tool I wanted, and I
just used the RIPE data. If I was more adventurous I would have hooked
Quagga up with a BGP session to the production routers and generated
my own dumps, but the RIPE data was good enough for now.
