BGP Pollution

Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>i203.168.78.0 40 100 0 2914 6453
4755 4755 4755 4755 4755 4755 17632 17632 17632 17632 17632 17632 17632
17632 17632 17632 17632 i
*>i217.220.42.0 40 100 0 2914 1239
1267 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164
21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164
21164 21164 I

Is there any possible excuse for such ugly looking as-paths?
(these are the worst offenders, but there are plenty more that are still
really bad...)


   Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>i203.168.78.0 40 100 0 2914 6453
4755 4755 4755 4755 4755 4755 17632 17632 17632 17632 17632 17632 17632
17632 17632 17632 17632 i
*>i217.220.42.0 40 100 0 2914 1239
1267 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164
21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164 21164
21164 21164 I

Is there any possible excuse for such ugly looking as-paths?
(these are the worst offenders, but there are plenty more that are still
really bad...)

some more?

I see 32 /32, 1 /31 and 164 /30 !!!!
Source, SwiNOG RouteViewer.

We all think /29 in BGP is kinda bad, but first of all lets get rid of the
/32 /31 and /30 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

filter bogon, long prefixes, long as-path ingress and egress!

and dont say "we do already" as clearly the routes are still coming thro!


We do already filter on egress.
I don't want to filter on ingress because I think it's more important
that my customers can reach their destinations than teaching these
stupid admins a lesson.

In principle yes. But the entry level experience to BGP is pretty much none and
if you dont filter their /32s and ridiculous as-paths they certainly wont..

The fact they announce /30, /32 proves they dont know what they're doing..

Are these bad destinations really worth getting to - do you need to be able to
get to the 164x /30s listed below?

And if everyone had proper filtering and it did affect their reachability it
would be more widespread and they'd be forced to clean up their announcements.
