BGP Looking glass and monitoring

I'm interested to know what tools everyone uses for the following:

Looking Glass server.
BGP Monitoring
BGP Management, ie. cost/preferred path management.

Does anyone use tools to make changes to configurations? For example svn.
How do you push changes? Manually, approval process, scripts?

Currently the only thing we use is subversion to track changes in configurations. Now that we are up to around 20 routers and growing we are looking for better methods to manage our infrastructure.

Thanks guys!


I'm interested to know what tools everyone uses for the following:

Looking Glass server.

I think there was a recent thread on this subject. From this month
maybe. Not sure. Check the archives.

BGP Monitoring

Can you expand on this? Something like bgpmon?

BGP Management, ie. cost/preferred path management.

Not sure what is meant by this.

Does anyone use tools to make changes to configurations? For example svn.
How do you push changes? Manually, approval process, scripts?

I've used Network Authority Inventory. Looking at now.

Currently the only thing we use is subversion to track changes in configurations.

Hey that's a step up from a lot of shops. :slight_smile:

Now that we are up to around 20 routers and growing we are looking for
better methods to manage our infrastructure.

Sure. I'm sure folks here will have much to share. If we have any
subscribers after the last couple v6 wars. I guess I spoke too soon when
I said the threads seemed less trollish/childish. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

Thanks for brining up a solid operational topic and giving us a break. :slight_smile:

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Charles N Wyble (
Systems craftsman for the stars
Mobile: 626 539 4344
Office: 310 929 8793