bgp geopolitical analysis (warning: zero operational content. or so.)

one of caida's elves (brad) did a cool
visualization of demographic measures of
Internet resources, stratified by continent with
substratification by country (with help of
CIA factbook, RouteViews, and NetGeo).

    measures: geographic area, human population, GDP, phones-in-use,
    ASes, ISPs, prefixes, addresses....

nothing overwhelmingly surprising here
but compelling nonetheless
(yes, it turns out data can be both)

  things are not what they seem to be,
  nor are they otherwise.
  -lankavatara sutra

Very nice. But:


ZA has the 3rd highest prefix count at 2700. Why does South Africa have such a high prefix count?

2) 4th place is "??". Can you eloborate on that line?


  Very nice. But:
  ZA has the 3rd highest prefix count at 2700. Why does South Africa have
  such a high prefix count?

(1) there are more users in .za than you might expect
(2) many of its prefixes are small, so it doesn't reflect
     number of attached hosts
  2) 4th place is "??". Can you eloborate on that line?
that means ASes for which we couldn't comfortably
map to a country.

(k's rule: `the second or third biggest category
of anything on the Internet is `unknown'')
