BGP & CIDR blocks

  A bit of sanity..Prefix based filtering != not caring about your
backbone. Quite the reverse. As far as trusting bgp goes, most times you
can, sometimes you can't. Prefix filtering is for the times you
can't. Everybody remembers that those times happen, right?

       I believe Randy is involved in an effort to standardize another
way of doing the same thing. While the registries get better and these
other efforts go forward, you do the job with what you have..

     If your AS is in an appropriate (your upstream providers) autnum,
and the route object for the prefix is in the <pick the registry of your

things work without a phone call. When they don't work, our noc

does a good job of helping to figure out what the problem is and getting
it fixed.. That exception is the process Jon is in.

     Jon, sorry that you had difficulty with this prefix. However, many
many new prefixes get routed over ANS without anyone calling anyone.


     If your AS is in an appropriate (your upstream providers) autnum,
and the route object for the prefix is in the <pick the registry of your
> things work without a phone call. When they don't work, our noc
does a good job of helping to figure out what the problem is and getting
it fixed.. That exception is the process Jon is in.

Then some of us out here away from bal;my Ann Arbor are even more confused
than usual, hard as that may be to believe.

Every time we have moved a new prefix into our AS, especially one which ANS
knows from another provider, it is a manual operation irrespective of what
we have registered in the IRR.

And we are IRR fanatics, as few seem to remember. Heck, we are even paying
cash to support the RADB services this annum.

So what the heck are we doing wrongly? E.g. last month's move of PREPnet
into AS2914.


It sounds like the snag I may have run into was an AS macro issue. The
instructions at don't exactly make clear how important it seems to
be to get into your backbone providers' AS macros. From talking to our
upstreams and the ANS NOC, I had the impression all I had to do was
register our AS and route(s) with one of the routing registries...and two
ANS updates after doing so, I was left wondering what the deal was.

Things appear fixed, yet I still don't know how to see if we're in our
providers' AS macros. Is there an easy way (other than emailing the AS
maintainer) to get the macro from if you don't know the
macro's name?