BGP AS# migration from IOS to IOS-XR

Dear All,

Does anybody had to migrate a entire BGP transit AS# from Cisco IOS to

Our main concern is BGP, especially conversion from route-map,
communities, conditional advertisement, template, peer-group up to RPL.

Cisco offer a doc how to migrate from IOS to XR of about 40pages, but
it's quite old (XR 3.2) and not so interesting.

There are also a lot of documentation about XR/RPL, but I was not able
to find a good doc about RPL, and how to translate complex IOS config to XR.

Any experience on BGP best pratice with XR, af-group, session-group,
neighbor-group, communities implementation from existing IOS config ?
And how to you manage RPL editing? I mean with IOS you have some
completion on TAB keystroke, but as RPL has to be edited within a text
editor, you loose this kind of 'help'.

Maybe we have to re-think our config from scrash :-).
Thank in advance,
Best regards,

Cisco offer a doc how to migrate from IOS to XR of about 40pages, but
it's quite old (XR 3.2) and not so interesting.

that doc is still relevant.

And how to you manage RPL editing? I mean with IOS you have some
completion on TAB keystroke, but as RPL has to be edited within a text
editor, you loose this kind of 'help'.

You can edit RPL from the command-line too, with tab completion and
inline help.

Maybe we have to re-think our config from scrash

that is a good option in this situation. RPL is significantly more
flexible than what's available on vanilla IOS, and you would benefit
from learning RPL, then standing back and looking carefully at what
you're doing with route routing policy to see how it can be abstracted
into well-structured RPL.

There are a number of major new features: RPL functions can call other
RPL functions, which you can't really do with route-maps (leading to
lots of duplication for similar configuration), and passing variables
into RPL functions. You can use these features to build up structured
RPL configuration mechanisms which give a lot of flexibility and power.

Also, XR is better from the point of view of automation. If it makes
sense to build automation into your network, this would provide a good


Get in touch with your Cisco SE or partner. Cisco SE's have access to a
conversion tool that takes in an IOS config and spits out an XR config.
It's usually about 80-95% correct. It even shows you sections that are not
in use and can be removed.