Beer and Gear surprise

Why is the event called "beer 'n gear" if I can't hand out T shirts and
schwag? Like the above writer, I always looked forward to collecting a
drawerful of T shirts and trivia at past NANOG beer 'n gears.

"Gear" derives from the fact that equipment vendors are invited to
bring hardware to talk about. Sometimes we've had a bunch, sometimes
not so much. The vendors decide whether they want to bring equipment,
though - as has been pointed out, there's a non-trivial expense

Perhaps you might suggest that, in the event that trinkets return, the
name of the session be changed to "Beer and Gear and Trinkets" when
you fill out your survey form.


The Merit people spend an incredible amount of time and effort doing this
conference so we (the spoiled brats) can get together face to face and
discuss our day jobs and instead of thanking them, we're whining up a
storm over some pieces of schwag?

Running something this large and running it this well is _hard_, folks.

If we had some ham, we could have a ham and cheese sandwich if we had some


The Merit people spend an incredible amount of time and effort doing this
conference so we (the spoiled brats) can get together face to face and
discuss our day jobs and instead of thanking them, we're whining up a
storm over some pieces of schwag?

Running something this large and running it this well is _hard_, folks.

If we had some ham, we could have a ham and cheese sandwich if we had some

and some bread

let them eat cake

the OED on matters of taste -

(the subject being boxer shorts and those damned "IP everywhere" t-shirts)

"taste, n.1
8. a. The sense of what is appropriate, harmonious, or beautiful; esp.
discernment and appreciation of the beautiful in nature or art; spec. the
faculty of perceiving and enjoying what is excellent in art, literature,
and the like.

1694 CONGREVE Double Dealer I. ii, No, no, hang him, he has no Taste.

b. Style or manner exhibiting �sthetic discernment; good or bad �sthetic
quality; the style or manner favoured in any age or country.

tasteless, a.
4. Devoid of good taste; of persons, lacking in discrimination, or in
critical discernment and appreciation; of things, showing want of good

1676 G. ETHEREGE Man of Mode III. ii, Nature..puts sophisticate dulness
often on the tasteless multitude for true wit and good-humour.

3. Absence or want of �sthetic discernment.

1825 Blackw. Mag. XVIII. 240 Others assign it to the nonchalance and
tastelessness of managers"

Please people. How about the engineer who wishes to socialize with
his/her peers at NANOG but is perhaps a recovering alcoholic. Don't you
suppose that perhaps the "Beer" part of the Beer and Gear might be
offensive to him/her?

How about those who just don't like the "taste" of beer?

If you don't like the trinkets, don't take them. Do the rest of us a
favor though and don't whine about it ON AND ON AND ON!

You're entitled to your opinions and we (for now) respect those
opinions. Continue to complain about something that is 100%
"participation optional" and considered a benefit by some and you can
replace the "for now" above with "used to".

'nuff said.